Tuesday, 18 February 2014

My gifts from God.

1 comment:

  1. June.2010, i was told by social workers, that i get to keep custody of 3 of my children, who the were 2, 7, and 9, but my 1 yr old twins would be put up for forced adoption, and i was "not to question this".
    I appealed the decision, i was denied, i then appealed it to the Canadian supreme Court of Canada, i was denied. without any money or means to fight back, i lost my children, my babies, whom i carried under my heart, whom i loved, kissed adored and attended to everyday.
    No matter how much i loved them, no matter how much they needed me, it was no match for the evil, lies and manipulation, against the child welfare's agenda to fraudulently take them.
    It has been almost 4 yrs since Myself, my family and my children have seen our precious Bailey and Brian. 4 yrs of daily questions, "are they ok?, are they loved? are they alive?"
    I believe that forced adoption is one of the cruellest forms of terrorism, and must be stopped. these types of decision are done behind closed, locked doors, without the option of a jury of my pairs,(criminals charged with the most heinous of crimes, have this option). it is done without any public knowledge, and gag orders are usually put in place as a scare tactic to mothers who want to let the world know, the injustice that happens within these walls of hell.
    Until the Lord himself decides to take the breath from my body, nothing, no gag order, no bulling tactics, will stop me from telling my story with the bursting testimony that's my heart.
